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Linea HS 32k Super Resolution CLHS
Industry’s First 32k TDI Camera with Improved Detectability
Based on Teledyne DALSA’s industry-leading CMOS TDI technology, the new Linea HS family o ers advanced and unique TDI products. The Linea HS 32k camera is capable of capturing 32,768-pixel data using patent-pending pixel o set technology. This enables users to significantly improve subpixel defect detectability while using existing optical lenses and maintaining high sensitivity. The camera comes with a high-speed fiber-optic interface that delivers up to 8.4 GByte/sec data in a single cable and long cable length.
The 32k camera uses two 16k/5 μm TDI arrays with ½ pixel o set. Two 16k/5 μm image data are captured and then reconstructed to achieve a super-resolution image of 32k/2.5 μm in real-time. This significantly enhances detectability for subpixel defects. One advantage of the pixel o set technology is that existing 16k/5 μm lenses can be used without sacrifice in responsivity and MTF with smaller physical pixel size.
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